Monday, January 27, 2020
Rationale And Background Of The Study English Language Essay
Rationale And Background Of The Study English Language Essay Reading is indispensable if a person wanted to live comfortably in the modern society. It is the golden path in going to the world of enlightenment and enjoyment (Monuz, 2000). Reading is the activity characterized by the translation of symbols or letters in the words and sentences that have meaning to the individuals. The ultimate goal of reading is to be able to understand written materials to evaluate it, and to used it for ones needs (Paculanan 1999). Reading is consider as the most important subject in the curriculum, because its mastery depends on the learning of nearly to all other subjects. On account of this reality, Filipino educators have in countless instruction channeled their effort towards developing strategies and approaches in the teaching of reading (Tamundong 1998) Reading requires more than mechanical skills. As a tool for learning in the content subjects, the learners has to demonstrate growing ability to handle information effectively. In this area of complex skills are efficient location, selection organization, and retention of information and the ability to gain knowledge from the printed page depending on the learners that equipped with the necessary skills in reading. A persons reading abilities has a help to read facts about the varied and rich factual information and verbal knowledge accumulated through the ages and that of maturity, organizes these actual information and verbal knowledge, process, and interprets them through experiences to form concepts and principles which are essential in solving problems and in developing creative thinking. Paterno (1985), enumerated various factors in the disabilities or weaknesses of reading. This may range from defective hearing or maladjustments in school, to brain damage. Paterno added that some of the specific causes of reading disability, how ever, may cause by a combinations of several factors. The most common: (1) Physical Factors like defective hearing, speech, vision, inadequate nutrition, neurological dysfunction: (2) Educational factors- children have unique learning patterns and: (3) Environmental factors- not all learning takes place in a classroom and their environmental determines to a great extend, the Childs success in learning to read. To minimize if not to solve permanently the problems on reading, two objectives of education as stated in the educational act of 1982 are word mentioning. This are: (1) To provide the knowledge and develop skills, attitudes and values essential to personal development and nece4ssary for living in and contributing to a developing and changing social milieu, and (2) To provide learning experiences which increase the childs awareness of the responsiveness to the changes in and just demands of society, and to prepare for constructive and effective involvement (MEC Journal, 1991), Educational Act of 1982. Conceptual Framework Reading is one of the most needed skills to be learned in school. Seemingly, read is a word that always heard, yet difficult to discern. Reading scholars have not really come out with on universal definition of it. They only describe the characteristics of reading. Munoz (2000) describes reading as a two-way complex active process, which uses a high level of thinking skills such as literal (reading the lines), inferential (reading the lines) and critical (reading beyond the lines). However, comprehension is preceded by recognition of words, thus one can not really comprehend if he can not recognize the words correctly. Therefore in this study, the researchers want to find out the level of reading performance of the pupils in terms of word recognition. INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT Descriptive research design using observation checklist. Oral reading performance of Grade II and Grade IV pupils. Determination of the reading performance of the Grade III and Grade IV pupils in terms of word recognition. Figure 1. Research Paradigm Table shows the input, process and the output variables used in this study. The input represents the oral reading performance of the respondents. The process is the tool used for data gathering and instrumentation in order to gather pertinent data needed for analyzing, tabulation and interpretation of the problem which includes the use of observation checklist arrive at the expected outputs which is the determination of the level of reading performance of the respondents in terms of word recognition. Statement of the problem The study seeks to find out the reading performance of the grade III and grade IV pupils of Bolosan Elementary School in terms of word recognition. It specifically sought to answer the following question: 1. What is the level of reading performance in terms of recognition of the: A.à à à à Grade III pupils B.à à à Grade IV pupils 2. Is there a significant difference between the level of reading performance of Grade III and Grade IV pupils in terms of word recognition. Hypothesis of the Study There is no significant difference between the level of reading performance of Grade III and Grade IV pupils in terms of word recognition. Significance of the Study Within the recent years, the demands for effective reading among pupils as an applicable instrument in development have become more prominent that always. Teachers and parents are in conformity on this scrupulous need. Conceptually, the study bring light to the student/pupils as a necessity in a more successful academic work. The result of the study are learned to benefit the following. Parents The results of the study serve as bases for the effective and efficient involvement of parents in the learning of their children especially with regards to reading. Pupils The pupils are the direct beneficiaries of the study. They will be benefited much from better school leading program, teachers guidance, parents assistance and other activities in the school, home, school administrators can offer them and also for them to know their reading abilities. Teacher The results of the study serve as an assessment and or diagnosis of reading ability of the pupil. From this the teacher would be able to designed effective reading classroom program for the pupil. School Administrators The result of the study may be used as reference guide for educational planning and policy formulation in the instruction level. Lastly, the result of this study may serve as a reference in determining the reading levels of the pupils which can serve as information in making more plans and programs by higher authorities based on the findings. It will also help in preparing reading materials based on needs and difficult5ies of the pupils. Scope and Delimitation of the Study The study is delimited to determine the level of reading performance of the respondents in terms of word recognition. The respondent of the study is composed of 41 grade III and 45 grade IV pupils. Reading comprehension is not included in the study. The study was started from July 2006. Definition of Terms Accuracy. Relates to the quality of a result and distinguished from processing, which relates to the quality of the operation by which the result is obtained. Effectiveness. Degree to which an activity or initiative is successful in achieving specified goal; Degree to which activities of a unit achieve the units mission or goal. Efficacy. Is the ability to produced an effect, usually a specifically desire defect Frustration. The pupils shows withdrawal from reading situations by crying or refusing to read. The pupils commit errors in reading such as reversal, repetition, substitution, insertion, mispronunciation and inability to interpret punctuation. Independent. The pupil is free from tension, finger pointing or lip movement. He reads with rhythm and with conversational tone and interprets punctuations correctly. Instructional. The pupils oral reading is rhythmical with conversational tone and correct interpretation. Non-reader. A pupil is unable to recognize and sound out letter sound connections for single consonants or unable to blend them. Phil IRI. Philippine Informal Reading Inventory which is a set of oral reading passages for the elementary grades in order to get the reading level og the public elementary school pupils. Reading ability. Is the awareness of print relationship to speech, text structure, phonological awareness and letter naming and writing and comprehension of reading material? It often measured by grade level. Word recognition. It refers to the ability of the pupils to recognize the words with correct pronunciation. Chapter II Review of Related Literature This chapter presents several studies concerning reading abilities and reading comprehension. However, such reviewed studies are related to the presents study in the sense that they all aimed to know about the study were the factors that affect the reading ability of grade 3 pupils. These related studies therefore, are discussed briefly in this chapter. Several program about reading as an active, meaningful, and constructive process. Before reading activities are used to build or activate relevant background knowledge, concepts, and vocabulary. Students are taught to monitor their reading to ensure that what they are reading makes sense. They are taught strategies for correcting word recognition errors that detract from meaning, and they are given opportunities for reacting and responding to selection they have read. The texts they are asked to read for enjoyment and for information. Other activities are developed within a framework of reading for meaning. Because reading for meaning is the constants point of reference and because students in these programs need substantial help in building word identification skills, the amount of time spent in discussing selection and in teacher questioning about the selection is kept to a minimum. All of the successful programs offer students special instruction on a daily basis for period ranging from 20 to 45 minutes. Daily contact with students ensures that progress is the steady and allows teachers to become very familiar with students and their strength and needs. Frequent contacts also allows teacher to reinforce and extend strategic behaviors that students are acquiring. An instructional period of at least 20 to 30 minutes allows time for instruction and practice along a number of dimension that provide students with the strategies they need to become effective readers. The prevailing philosophy in most of the other early interventions programs appears to be that first grade is the point where special help should be offered to prevent reading failure; that many, if not most, students will, by the end of first grade, be able to make sufficient progress in reading to function in a regular classroom setting without special help; but that some students will continue to need support through second grade. Though some of the programs began as just first grade programs, most now continue through second grade for students who need longer periods of special help. These programs use methods and materials that help students to recognize words accurately and rapidly, and to group words into meaningful phrases the three dimensions of fluency. The courage to reread a book several times once it has been introduced. There is evidence that the repeated reading of a texts leads to improved word identification skills and comprehension ( Adams, 1995). As children move through these programs, they become familiar with an increasing number of texts. They are encouraged to reread these texts to gain additional practice, to extend their fluency, and to build confidence in their growing reading competency. To avoid failure or frustration for students, each new book is introduced with as much as a teacher judges is needed. For example, a pictures walk is often used as a before reading activity. Students are asked to speculate about the texts contents, and unusual or difficult vocabulary is pointed out by the teacher and discussed. Thus, the student begins rea ding the book with prior knowledge and clear expectations about the selections contents. Another frequently used technique is shared reading, in which the texts is read first by the teacher as students follow along in the texts. Then as a group, students progress to reading the texts with the help as needed. Teacher support is gradually withdrawn, and students assume more responsibility. Finally, individual children practice reading the text. Instruction often moves from a shared reading model to guided reading in which students assume responsibility for the first reading of a selection after the teacher helps prepare them and supports them during their reading. In all the successful intervention programs there is a clear progression from much teacher support in the initial phases of the program to increase students independence. The types of texts most frequently used in early intervention program are predictable texts. The earliest books used in the programs tend to have a close match between pictures and texts, have recurring language patterns, and include repetition of language elements, which make them easy for students to read. Even children with very restricted word recognition capabilities quickly begin to think of themselves as readers because they are successful with these profitable texts. As students progress in the program, the degree of predictability decreases to ensure that the students attend to the printed texts in order to build a multifaceted word recognition strategy that will make them increasingly independent readers. In the initial phases of instruction, selections also tend to be short so that students can finish a text within an instructional period. As their reading capabilities grow, texts become longer and more challenging. While one of the successful program use traditional, narrow measures of readability, all sequence of the instructional materials, based on many factors including text predictability (reflected in factors such as recurring language patterns, close picture to text match, repetition of words), length of text, challenge of vocabulary, complexity of language, sophistication of concept so that students are challenged to apply the strategies and skills they are learning. Reading new text, and rereading familiar text insure that student in this programs engage in meaningful, connected reading. This program also includes activities that help students focus on and become familiar wit printed words. For example, the Winston-Salem Project uses a procedure called Making Words (Baker L. Brown A.L,1999). Students are presented with the letters that form a word from a selection they read. Words are selected because of their interest and because they contain words identification elements that will be useful for the students It has been recognized that asking students to write words (not copy) is a very effective approach in developing word recognition and reading skill (Adams, 1999;Clay, 1996). For example in the early intervention in reading program, the students select a student to write sentences. The teacher then encourages each students to think about the styling of each word and to write as much of the word as they can. Teacher support his offer only as needed in order to insure that the students write the word accurately. For example, for the children who are having difficulty with phonemic awareness, the teacher draws a box for each sound in the word. The children are guided to think about the number of sound in a word and the letters that represent those sound. For example, the teacher would draw 3 boxes for the word teach, grouping the EA and CH in separate boxes since that word EA and CH represents single sound. The following are regular pattern to he scheduled for better reading. Reading familiar texts. Reading or rereading a new book Working with words Writing words or sentences The researchers therefore want to find out what are the common factors affecting the reading performance of a child, thus, the study. Chapter III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter presents the procedure utilized in the collection of data, the method employed in the presentation and interpretation to answer the problems presented in Chapter I. Research Design This study utilized the descriptive method of research. Descriptive because it seeks to investigate prevailing conditions about the level of reading performance of the respondents in terms of word recognition. (Adanza, 2002). Sources of Data Table 1 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of Grade Level and Section Grade Section Frequency Percentage Grade III-B 41 47.67% Grade IV-B 45 52.33% Table 1 presents the respondents of the study which is composed of 41 grade III pupils belonging to section B and 45 pupils in Grade IV also in section B. This so because Grade III and IV are the middle grades in elementary and both section B for it is on the average position thus, they are better representatives for the study. Instrumentation and Data Collection The researcher adopted the Phil IRI oral reading test of the Bureau of Elementary Education SY 2006-2007. After asking permission from the principal, the researchers administered testing with the help of the teachers. The researchers adopted the Phil IRI oral reading test formula for finding the level of reading performance in terms of word recognition. Tools for Data Analysis The researchers used frequency and percentage counts for the presentation of data and the chi-square to test the hypothesis of the study. The formula for finding the level of reading performance in terms of word recognition which is adopted from the Phil IRI oral reading test is: Percent of miscue= No. of major miscue x 100 No. of words WR = 100% percent of miscue Where: No. of major miscue number of words that are not recognized or pronounced right. WR Level of word recognition For the percentage distribution, the formula used is: P = f/N x 100 Where: P Percentage f frequency N total number of cases or respondents For sub problem number 2, the researchers used the chi-square-goodness-of-fit test, that is: X2 = à ¢Ãâ ââ¬Ë(O-E)2 E Where: X2 = Chi-Square O = Observed Frequency E = Expected Frequency Chapter IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS This chapter presents and discusses the results of the study to answer the problems in chapter I Table 2 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Grade III pupils in Terms of Level of Word Recognition Level Frequency Percentage Independent 0 0% Instructional 17 41.46% Frustration 19 46.34% Nonreader 5 12.2% Total 41 100% The table shows that nobody is considered as independent reader. There are 17 (41.46%) who are under instructional, 19 (46.34%) under frustration and 5 (12.2%) under none-reader. Table 3 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Grade IV pupils in Terms of Level of Word Recognition Level Frequency Percentage Independent 0 0% Instructional 8 17.78% Frustration 35 77.78% Nonreader 2 4.44% Total 45 100% It is visible in the table that nobody also from the grade IV pupils is under independent category. Also showed that 8 (17.78%) are under instructional, 35 (77.78%) are lined at frustration category and 2 (4.44%) under none-reader type. Table 4 Frequency Distribution of the Respondents according to the Level of Reading Performance in Terms of Word Recognition With their corresponding Grade Levels Level Grade level Independent and Instructional Frustration and Non-reader Total Grade III 17 24 41 Grade IV 8 37 45 Total 25 61 86 Table 4 shows variation of the level of word recognition among the respondents. Table 5 Computation of the ChiSquare O E O-E (O-E)2 (O-E)2/E 17 11.92 5.08 25.81 2.1653 8 13.08 -5.08 25.81 1.9732 24 29.08 5.08 25.81 0.8876 37 31.92 -5.08 25.81 0.8086 à ¢Ãâ ââ¬Ë (O-E)2/E 5.8347 Where: at df = 1, the level of O Observed frequency significance at ââ¬Å¾Ãâ = 0.05 E Expected frequency is 3.841 (Walpole, 1982) df = 1 ââ¬Å¾Ãâ = 0.05 From the table 4, at 1 degree of freedom, the tabular value of chi-square at ââ¬Å¾Ãâ = 0.05 is 3.841. Since, the tabular value is lesser than the computed value which is 5.8347, the hypothesis is rejected. Thus, there is a significant difference between the level of reading performance of Grade III and Grade IV pupils in terms of word recognition Chapter V SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION This chapter presents the summary, conclusion and the recommendations of the researchers based on the study. Summary The study was pursued to find out the level of reading performance of the grade III and grade IV pupils of Bolosan Elementary School in terms of word recognition. It sought to determine also whether there is significant difference between the two grade levels in terms or reading performance with regards to word recognition. The study used the descriptive method using checklist for the actual reading performance. This research was conducted from June to December 2006. Findings The researchers found out that 17 or 41.46% grade III pupils are under instructional or are rhythmical reader with conversational tone and correct interpretation. There are also 19 or 46.34% who shows withdrawal from reading situations by crying or refusing to read and committing errors. On the other hand, 8 or 17.78% of the grade IV are under instructional type, 35 or 77.78% are considered under frustration type while 2 or 4.44% are non-readers and lastly, nobody also is under independent type of reader. The bottom line is, it was found out that there is significant difference between the grade III and grade IV pupils in terms of level of reading performance with regards to word recognition. Conclusion Based from the analyzed data presented, the researchers concluded that grade III and grade IV pupils level of reading performance in terms of word recognition is mostly on the bracket of frustration and instructional type of readers, that is they show withdrawal from reading situations by crying or refusing to read and committing errors in reading such as reversal, repetition, substitution, insertion, mispronunciation and inability to interpret punctuation but others are rhythmical with conversational tone and correct interpretation. Recommendation From the findings of the study, the researchers recommend the following: Having been revealed that the level of reading performance of the grade III and grade IV pupils in terms of word recognition falls under the frustration and instructional type, the researchers recommend teachers to use more intensified instruction for the betterment of the reading performance of the pupils. The researchers also wish that future researchers will focus also on reading performances of the pupils in other aspects such as comprehension, speed and others.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Profile of Adolf Hitler (1889 -1945) Essay -- Papers
Profile of Adolf Hitler (1889 -1945) Family Background Adolf Hitler was born on April 20th 1889 in Braunau-am-Inn, Austria. The town is near to the Austro-German border, and his father, Alois, worked as a customs officer on the border crossing. His mother, Klara, had previously given birth to two other children by Alois, (Gustav and Ida) but they both died in their infancy. Adolf attended school from the age of six and the family lived in various villages around the town of Linz, east of Braunau. By this time Adolf had a younger brother, Edmund, but he only lived until the age of six. In 1896, Klara gave birth to Adolf 's sister, Paula, who survived to outlive him. When his father died in 1903, Hitler saw this as a relief to him. However when his mother Klara died of cancer in 1907, Hitler was devastated, as she was loving and caring of him and his siblings, unlike his father, who was a strict disciplinarian. Childhood/Youth =============== Hitler grew up with a poor record at school and left before completing his education, with an ambition to become an artist. During his school years Hitler only showed and interest in two of his subjects which were Gymnastics and Art. After his father's death in 1903, Klara Hitler brought up the thirteen year old Adolf and Paula on her own. Between the ages of sixteen and nineteen, Hitler neither worked to earn his keep, nor properly studied, but had gained an interest in politics and history. During this time he unsuccessfully applied for admission to the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. When his mother died, 19 year old Hitler had no relatives to support him any more. So in ... ...920 Hitler chose the swastika as the Nazi party emblem. By 1921 Hitler had virtually secured total control of the Nazi party, however this was not to the liking of all Nazis. In July of that year, whilst Hitler was away in Berlin, the angry members of the party proposed a merger with a like-minded political party in Nuremberg in the hope that this would stop Hitler's influence. On hearing the news, Hitler rushed back to Munich to confront the party and threatened to resign. The other members were aware that Hitler was bringing funds into the organization, from the collections following his speeches at meetings and from other sources. Thus they knew they couldn't afford his resignation. Hitler then turned tables on the committee members and forced them to accept him as formal leader of the party with dictatorial powers.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Utilization of Marigold Extract as Household Insecticide
UTILIZATION OF MARIGOLD EXTRACT (Tagestes erecta L. ) AND CIGARETTE BUTTS AS HOUSEHOLD INSECTICIDE INTRODUCTION Most insecticides effective for household use are inorganic which tend to be harmful to the user and to the environment. Recent statistics show that 75% of households use some form of insecticide, with much of this being used indoors. They are used to kill ants and roaches, mosquitoes, flea and tick. By design these products are all intended to be lethal ââ¬â to insects that is! People can be affected to some degree as all. Thus, this study aimed to develop an alternative household insecticide utilizing the Extract from Marigold Plant (Tagetes erecta L. ) and recycled cigarette butts as highly economic, environmentally safe and user friendly insecticide preparation with no cost. Marigold Plant is said to contain an active ingredient, phototoxin Alpha-terthienyl which functions as a nematicide. It is more effective when it is being exposed to sunlight since it generates its phototoxin which makes an interesting natural insecticide. Statement of the Problem: This study aims to investigate the feasibility of Marigold Extract as an alternative household insecticide. Specifically the study sought to answer the following questions: 1. What are the active chemical components found on Marigold Extract making it ideal as an insecticide alternative? 2. Is there a significant difference on the effect of different Marigold Extract Concentrations on the mortality rate of the insects? 3. Is the use of Marigold Extract feasible as a household insecticide? Significance of the Study The quality of the environment in which people work, live or play, the health of individuals, the quality of certain goods such as food products can all be affected by insects of different kinds. From time to time, it happens that new kinds of diseases even appear in our environment which are spread around by insects imported from remote areas together with goods. Insecticides can help to address these cases of emergencies. This study aimed to develop an alternative household insecticide utilizing the Extract from Marigold Plant (Tagetes erecta L. ) and recycled cigarette butts as highly economic, environmentally safe and user friendly insecticide preparation with no cost. The result of the study is expected to give information and knowledge to widely addressed the growing demand of ridding these irritating insects out of our sights at the expense of those materials that we could actually found inside our household. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF TERMS Cigarette butts ââ¬â are the residue bottom part of a cigarette containing alkaloid nicotine. Extract ââ¬â obtain something from source: to obtain something from a source, usually by separating it out from other material Insects ââ¬â are aà classà of living creatures that have aà three-part body three pairs of jointedà and twoà antennae. Just like mosquitoes, cockroaches, tick, fleas. Insecticides- Anà insecticideà is aà pesticideà used againstà insects. They include ovicides andà larvicidesà used against theà eggsà andà larvaeà of insects respectively. Marigold ââ¬â is an erect, smooth, branched, rank-smelling herb, o. 3 to 0. 8 meters high. Leaves are 4 to 7 cm long, deeply pinnatifid with linear-lanceolate segments. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Marigold (Tagetes erecta L. ) is an erect, smooth, branched, rank-smelling herb, o. 3 to 0. 8 meters high. Leaves are 4 to 7 cm long, deeply pinnatifid with linear-lanceolate segments. Heads are solitary, 1. 5 to 2 cm in diameter, borne on long peduncles, which are thickened upward. Flowers are pale to deep yellow, sometimes red. Flowers yield a yellow crystalline substance, quercetagetine. The dye was found several shades browner than quercetin. (http://www. primaryinfo. com/industry/tagetes-oil. htm) Marigold Plant is said to contain an active ingredient, phototoxin Alpha-terthienyl which functions as a nematicide. It is more effective when it is being exposed to sunlight since it generates its phototoxin which makes an interesting natural insecticide. Study of roots, leaves and flowers yielded thiophenes, steroidal and terpenoidal type constituents. And these secretions coming from the extracted part provides an insecticidal effect on the soil, against nematodes and keeled slugs and insects. (http://www. homeremedycentral. com) While marigolds (Tagetes species) are typically grown for ornamental purposes as bedding plants, studies have found that they can be highly toxic to plant-parasitic nematodes and are capable of suppressing a wide range (up to 14 genera) of nematode pests. Marigold plants produce a number of potentially bioactive compounds, among which ? therthienyl is recognized as one of the most toxic. This sulfur-containing compound is abundant in marigold tissues, including roots. It has nematicidal, insecticidal, fungicidal, antiviral, and cytotoxic activities, and it is believed to be the main compound responsible for the nematicidal activity of marigold. (Topp, E. , S. Miller, H. Bork, and M. Welsh. 1998. ) The contr ol of insect populationsà is the reason for the use of insecticides. The suffix ââ¬Ë-cide' refers to killing. The term may refer to sprays that are chemical, homemade, or organic. The more powerful insecticides have the capability of almost totally eliminating an insect population from a specified area. The less powerful may require several appliations before the desired effects become obvious. (http://wiki. answers. com) METHODOLOGY Inventions have evolved and continue to evolve such that after several years of study, research and experimentation reach great developments. With continuing efforts to investigate the constituents of Philippine plants, we have pursued investigation of the feasibility of Marigold Extract as an ideal component for a household insecticide. Marigold plant parts (Flowers and leaves) were gathered, ground and squeezed and extracted. Extracting the Plant and Cigarette Butts 1. Gatherà and collect 3 partitions of (75 grams, 50 grams and 25 grams) of Marigold Plants and leaves. 2. Wash the parts and pound separately with the use of mortar and pestle. 3. Placed the pounded parts into a cheesecloth to squeezed the extract. 4. Gather three, 25 grams of cigarette butts. Remove the cigarette wrappers to expose the tobacco. 5. Pound the tobacco to fine powder using mortar and pestle. 6. Passed the powdered tobacco through a mesh sieve. Preparing the Insecticide Concentrations For Set-up 1: 1. Combined the 75 grams extracted Marigold Plant with 25 grams pounded tobacco from cigarette butts. 2. Add 100 ml of water and 1. 5 grams of detergent powder as surface active agent. 3. Filter the mixture with a cheesecloth. 4. Label the product and let it stay for 2 hours before using. For Set-up 2: 1. Combined 50 grams of extracted Marigold Plant with 25 gram pounded cigarette butts. 2. Do the same procedure with that of Set-up 1. For Set-up 3: 1. Combined 25 grams of Extracted Marigold Plant with 25 gram pounded cigarette butts. . Do the same procedure with that of the 2 Set-ups. 3. Label the product and ready for use as an insecticide spray. Statistical Tools Used After the data were all gathered, it was tabulated and interpreted using the following statistical tools. A. Percentage ââ¬â is used in ranking the mortality rate of each sample insects using the different set-ups. X where x= mortality rate % = n (100) n = tot al number of observation B. Mean is used to determine whether there exists significant relationship among the variables. fo where fo = total number of observed samples x= n n = no. of set-ups RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This chapter presents the results, analyzes and interprets the findings in accordance with the specific problems of the study. The main concern of the study is to determine the feasibility of Marigold Extract as an active component for household insecticide. Table 1. Effect of Marigold Concentrations on the Mortality of Insects |Set-ups |No. of Mosquitoes |Percentage (%) |No. of Cockroaches |Percentage (%) | |. 10 |100 |10 |100 | |Set-up 1 | | | | | |Set-up 2 |8 |80 |7 |70 | |Set-up 3 |8 |80 |6 | 60 | |Total |26 |87% |23 |77% | |Mean |8. 7 | |7. 66 | | Based on the table above, results showed that Set-up 1 got the highest mortality rate in both Mosquito and Cockroaches Sample. Out of 10 Mosquitoes and Cockroaches, Set-up 1 got a 100% mortality rate. It was then followed b y the concentration of Set-up 2 with 80% mortality rate for mosquito samples and 70% for cockroaches. Lastly Set-up 3 got 80% mortality rate for mosquito sample and 60% for cockroaches sample respectively. Table 2. The Frequency of Spray Concentration on Mortality of Insects |Set-ups |Frequency of Spray | | |Mosquito |Cockroach | |Set-up 1 |6 |10 | |Set-up 2 |9 |12 | |Set-up 3 |12 |15 | |Mean |9 |12. 33 | Table 2 shows the Frequency of Spray for each Set-up concentrations towards mortality of insect samples. Set-up 1 got the least number of sprays required for the insect to totally rid. Followed by Set-up 2 and Set-up 3 respectively. The three Set-ups got a Mean of 9 sprays for Mosquito samples and 12 sprays for Cockroach samples. FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS This chapter presents the summary of the findings of the study regarding the feasibility of Marigold Extract and Cigarette butts as Household Insecticide. Conclusions drawn from the results gathered as well as the possible recommendation of researchers are presented in this chapter. Summary of Findings Results of the study revealed the following findings: 1. Among the three set-ups being introduced, Set-up 1 (75 g Marigold Extract Concentration) got the highest mortality rate among insect samples. Out of 10 insect samples, Set-up 1 got 100% mortality rate. 2. Among the three set-ups, Set-up 1 (w/ 75 g Marigold Extract) got the least number of frequency needed in spraying the insects to totally rid them. Conclusions: Based from the summary of findings, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. The greater is the concentration of Marigold Extract, the greater also is the mortality rate of the insect samples. 2. The greater is the concentration of Marigold Extract, the least number of spray is needed to totally rid those insect samples. 3. There is a significant difference between the concentration of Marigold extract and its effect towards the Mortality rate of insects. 4. Marigold Extract can be utilized as an active component for an alternative household insecticide. Although its shelf life is short. The formulations lasted five days before molds were observed. Recommendations: 1. Future studies will be conducted to enhance or lengthen the utilization period (expiry period) of the insecticide. 2. Another active ingredients can be added to the mixture to enhance its feasibility as household insecticide. 3. Essential Oils can be added to avoid the stingy-irritating odor of insecticide. BIBLIOGRAPHY Leopold, A. Carl. (1994). Plant Growth and Development: Pest Control. USA:McGraw Hill Inc. pp 327-336. Topp, E. , S. Miller, H. Bork, and M. Welsh. (1998. ) Botany: Wonders of Marigold. New York: Harper and Row, Publishing Inc. pp. 301 ââ¬â 315. Miller, H. Bork, and M. Welsh. 1998. Effects of marigold (Tagetes sp. ) roots on soil Microorganisms. Biology and Fertility of Soils 27: 149ââ¬â154 http://www. primaryinfo. com/industry/tagetes-oil. htm http://www. homeremedycentral. com http://wiki. answers. com
Friday, January 3, 2020
Media s Influence On The Media - 977 Words
The term bias is relevant by critics in news outlets because people wonder why the shooting of 17 year old teenager airs by the means of showing a picture of the victim at age twelve. Bias occurs from these types of actions. This type of action carries into political markets by looking at the way major media outlets can be measured by their types of broadcasts. Some may be more liberal and others conservative. More specifically, the leading liberal outlets are Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and CBS evening news; the leading conservatives are Washington Times, Foxââ¬â¢s News special report, and ABC good morning America (Dubner). From a peoples perspective if they want to find a media outlet agreeing with their favorite political personality like President Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton they can look into the more liberal outlets; as for republicans they seek out conservative outlets (Dubner). News bias is prevalent in organizations with the use of dramatic and personalized a spects of events by focusing on individual actors (Bennett 42). In my opinion mainstream media has become bias to agree with the narrative that is more attractive to the audience or headlines that divides the two major political parties. The ideology has always been serious; the only difference is that a decade ago the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan flooded the media outlets, while today there is ongoing up-to-date coverage on everything and it is packed with events on a personal level and briefer. Thus,Show MoreRelatedMedia s Influence On The Media1637 Words à |à 7 Pagesdisplayed in the mass media is conditioned by wealth and power, so as a result of the concentration of power and the official censorship done by the government and corporate sources; the media follows the ideas of the elite. In order to deliver messages that support the eliteââ¬â¢s beliefs, the media goes through five different filters that determine the information presented, this are ownership of media, funding, sourcing, flak, and fear. First, when referring to the ownership of media, it is importantRead MoreThe Media s Influence On Media Essay1606 Words à |à 7 PagesLusby English composition 12/1/2016 The Media s Influence à Can the media really persuade you into thinking a way about a person you have not even meet? The media can make influence you into thinking a certain way about some and also influence a choice that you could have to make about them that could change their life forever. To prove this I have researched into articles that could help me prove that the media can influence these things. First the media in the form of television can give you aRead MoreMedia s Influence On Media2111 Words à |à 9 Pagestoday is communicated through media. Media is the most powerful and influential force in the country. The media are powerful agents of socialization and they set the standard that majority follow. The power giving to American media has allowed them to be very effective using propaganda as strategy, the media tend to say they serve to relieve social conflicts into minimum. We clearly see that the media promote social conflicts by separating class. The image that media has created in the mind of massesRead MoreMedia s Influence On The Media892 Words à |à 4 Pages In todayââ¬â¢s culture, itââ¬â¢s hard not to come across some form of media, whether that is an advertisement on a roadway, a commercial on the television, or even an ad on the portable games you play on your phone. The average 8-18-year-old experiences about 7.5 hours of some form of media a day. [1] Out of the 24 hours in a day over a quarter of it is spent looking at or listening to advertisements for products, the news, video games, television, movies, music, books, and the internet. A common way toRead MoreMedia s Influence On The Media1977 Words à |à 8 Pagespushes their political view. News viewers tend to be oblivious when it comes to bias in the media because they would rather hear what they believe is right. There are many ways to find truth in journalism that everyone needs to be aware of for example, going to more than one source and conducting a SMELL test. Biased media has made a big impact on itââ¬â¢s viewers, creating a big division between the two sides. Media plays a big part on how people get everyday news, but ultimately, it is up to the viewerRead MoreMedia s Influence On The Media1986 Words à |à 8 PagesWe are a world that revolves around our media outlets. This is because we depend on them to give to us the information that we need to be able to live our daily lives. Whether it is the news on politics or just events that are happening around your area. The real question though is has news changed? And the follow up question to that would be; how do historians think news has changed? The news media has changed throughout history because of the rise of technology. It is now possible to reach peopleRead MoreMedia s Influence On Media1928 Words à |à 8 Pages V. New Media In the course of the most recent couple of decades, the media scene has changed drastically. The most essential change is from an old media model of television to another media model of narrowcasting. TV alludes to media speaking to the overall population and is exemplified by system TV, radio, and daily papers. Narrowcasting, made conceivable by television networks, Internet, and satellite radio, is focused to particular gatherings of people. The new media have various essentialRead MoreMedia s Influence On Media1543 Words à |à 7 PagesSocial media publicizes a substantial amount of messages about identity and acceptable ways to express gender, sexuality and ones lifestyle, but at the same time, the viewers have their own differing feelings about the issues. The media may suggest certain feelings and actions, but the audiences feelings can never overpower self-expression completely. The media portrays certain things because it is what is being accepted. Neither parties, these being the media and its audience, have full power overRead MoreMedia s Influence On Media1703 Words à |à 7 Pagescentury, mass media became widely recognized. In a period of mass availability, people today have entry to more media outlets than ever before. According to media scholar Jean Kilbourne,ââ¬Å"the average American is exposed to over 3,000 advertisements a day and watches three yearsââ¬â¢ worth of television ads over the course of a lifetimeâ⬠(back cover). It is all around us, from the shows we watch on television, the music we listen to on the radio, and to the books and magazines we read each day. Media is the numberRead MoreMedia s Influence On The Media Essay1172 Words à |à 5 PagesMass media has a very influential part in todayââ¬â¢s society. Consisting of radio broadcasting, books, the Internet, and television they allow information and entertainment to travel at a fast pace as well to a vast audience. This vast majority of information can easily manipulate and or persuade people to have certain stereotypes on specific genders. TV commercials are one of the most influential structures in the media. Looking back 20 to 30 years, stereotypes were clearly welcomed on TV and in
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